Belly Fat, Obesity or getting a Perfect body shape is not a goal, it is a lifestyle, and you have to follow a healthy lifestyle to get a good body shape.
How can I lose my belly fat? This is the primary question of the person who put on belly weight. The human got obesity fat on their belly on a primary basis.
Through this Leeway Fitness blog post we will discuss the exercise to lose belly fat. Please note one thing before starting any kind of exercise you must start exercise at the beginner level and increase it gradually. Do not try to do more and more exercise from day one, otherwise, you got hurt himself also if you exercise in the wrong way.
Do not focus only on belly fat exercise, do body strength exercise also to reduce belly fat, because body strength is also necessary for your entire physical health.
Mostly people are unable to get a perfect body shape because they do not follow a healthy lifestyle. Here are some main points of healthy lifestyle that you must be follow, to get a healthy body along with a good body shape-
- Take proper sleep
- Wakeup early morning
- Adopt healthy foods
- Reduce oily food
- Try to keep away junk food
- Do Exercise regularly
Fastest way to reduce belly fat
Only Exercise is not the solution to reduce belly fat, There are more than 1 thing involve to reduce belly fat. Actually the main reason to get belly fat is improper lifestyle. Everybody knows that the junk food are the main reason to get belly fat. So with exercise you must also maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce belly fat.
Exercise + Healthy Lifestyle = Good body shape.

Here we will talk about top 3 exercise to reduce belly fat. If you follow any 2 exercise it helps to reduce your belly fat.
Mountain Climbers Workout
Mountain climber exercise is considered a full-body exercise because it works on the shoulders, core, triceps, hamstrings, and quads. It is a kind of exercise that work on belly fat including the full body workout.
In other words, the Mountain climber is a good workout option for a cardio workout, fat loss, and full body workout to increase endurance and body strength.
How to do: Keep your back straight, your wrist under your arms, tighten your core, and light on toes.
Required Equipment: Gym Mat, to prevent shock on your knees and foot.
Incline Running for fat loss
Running with pace is good workout to burn calory, in resulting that you burn additional fat from your body and it helps to keeps human fit and healthy. Apart from that if you run on an incline surface then it will burn more of your calories. If you own a Treamill then you can also do this exercise at your home. You also got some additional benefit of running like
- It lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
- Help to reduce risk of osteoporosis.
- Improves symptoms of depression and anxiety.
How to: start with a brisk walk and increase your gradually.
Required Equipment: Incline Treadmill
Cycling for fat loss
As per different sources, you can burn 260 calories in 30 minutes of cycling. Apart from losing fat cycling gives you ultimate other health benefits also.
To take proper benefits of cycling you must keep your back straight and upright. Like this, it gives strength to your stomach, back and muscles.
It does not matter which bicycle you are using for exercising and whether it is indoor or outdoor cycling, just you must cycle daily for 30-6 minutes.
The persons who cycle on daily basis also improve their metabolism and strengthen their muscles.
Required Equipment: Indoor or Outdoor Cycle
Note: All exercises have required training, Leeway Fitness and its staff does not recommend doing any kind of workout without the supervision of an expert.